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Victoria, BC, Canada
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Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Strong Stable Majority

What does this slogan  mean?

PM Stephen Harper and the CPC have declared themselves as the “strong, stable, majority government”. In fact, this was a very successful slogan – repeated ad infinitum, it may very well have won him the election, much like a self fulfilling mantra or affirmation.

He didn’t mince words, or try in any way to hide his intention. In this instance (which may be the only one that I am aware of), he is utterly transparent and declarative.

What puzzles me is -  What is so appealing about this concept to Canadians who voted for and continue to support him? Think about what those words mean.
How is it possible that Canadians couldn’t (can’t) understand his meaning when he is so very clear?

Basically he incessantly asserts the horrid old playground taunt;
“I’m the king of the castle, and you’re the dirty rascal”, and far too many of us ‘rascals’ prostrate ourselves and play liege to the bully who struts upon the hill, hurling cauldrons of boiling oil upon us to ensure his stronghold.

For that indeed is the meaning of “strong stable majority”.

You don’t have to look it up – I’ve done so. Here follows the Encarta® World English Dictionary  definitions. (bolding is mine for emphasis)

strong;  adj
1.      having the physical strength needed to exert considerable force ie pulling or pushing something 
2.      using great physical force
10.    influential or authoritative by virtue of having or holding power
11.     having a powerful effect
21.     well defended and difficult to defeat
22.     having a particular number of members
24.     characterized by high or rising prices
syn:            physically powerful

sta·ble adj
1.      steady and not liable to change
4.      not subject to changes in chemical or physical properties
syn:   adj: long standing, established, firm, lasting, permanent, perpetual
         noun: group,gang,club

How can/why did any Canadian fall for this rhetoric?  My thoughts are that the words seem so invincible. Who can argue against, or not want strength & stability?

Somehow it seems to me, many people thought he was promising or assuring us of a strong stable Canada. I think most people took it to mean, that they as individuals would be anointed these powerful and reassuring qualities. The subliminal message seemed to be “If you don’t  vote for me, you will be weak and worried and uncertain” and the corollary “Vote for me and you’ll be strong and worry free”.

But  (please correct me if I’ve missed something) at no time that I’m aware of, did Harper ever assert that his goal was a strong stable Canada, or a strong stable citizen. Over and over again, his lullaby was “a strong stable (capital “C”) Conservative majority”! All he wanted, and clearly stated, and got, was his ‘king of the hill’ status. 

I for one, do not want a strong stable Conservative majority Government

whose aim is to protect and enhance it’s own power and pocketbook.

  • I want a government who serves it’s citizens.
  • I want a government who shows leadership and insight into the complexities of today’s world.
  • I want a government that  doesn’t profess to have all the answers, and is reaching out to experts in every field to help us grapple with an ever changing world.
  • I want a government that cares more about me, and my fellow citizens, than it does about it’s own image or chances for re-election.
  • I want  not “strong” but “willing & able & humble”.
  • I want not  “stable”, but “ engaged, flexible, intelligent”.
  • I want not, a partisan majority, but compassionate leadership.
I want not a strong stable Conservative majority, but a strong and thinking citizenry who demand that our government serve us, rather than rule us.  

With glowing heart,

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