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Victoria, BC, Canada
With Glowing Heart =my poli rants Mobius Meanders =my poetry Social Media Chat= well duh Fishing=travel/tourism/hospitality customer service stuff

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Do CPC Values = Canadian Values?

Following is a recent Twitter conversation I had with 
"The Honourable Tony Clement, CPC, President of the Treasury Board and Minister for the Federal Economic Development Initiative for Northern Ontario

I hope you'll take time to read and comment. I'm extremely curious as to your reaction. 

Context: of late, regarding Twitter:

  • I've been grappling with how to not waste time of customers of the "professional" me; while at same time, expressing "personal" me.
  • I discovered to my delight that it's quite possible (with some effort) to have multiple twitter accounts - so I am at work as we speak, re-organizing so my customers aren't subjected to my personal tweets unless they so chose.
  • I follow many twitter ppl -including those who share my views, and those who differ. 

I initiated this conversation with Tony Clement, whom I follow (and with whom I differ politically). I admire that he replies personally & is witty & funny. I offered a suggestion to him, that he might want to get a second account - one for his official "CPC" stuff, and one for his personal "ain't I having fun" stuff. I did so in context of having spent endless days and hours in the last 3 months, having decided this was necessary for  & trying to figure out how to do this for, myself.

  • Am I just too thin skinned? 
  • Did I say anything to provoke this nastiness?
  • Am I wrong to assume/assert that an elected official on my payroll, should keep his professional twitter account "professional"? 
Seriously want some feedback. (Worried I may be chanelling Cliff Clavin here... )

His account name is @TonyclementCPC
  • based on that, I expect this to be an official CPC professional communication forum
  • If I address him at this address, I expect him to reply in a professional capacity and manner, as an elected official ( ie: my employee....) 
 Here is the actual conversation
 Tues Aug 09,2011

TonyclementCPC: As an added bonus, @rushtheband 's Alex Lifeson is here rockin out to the @foofighters too! 7:29pm, Aug 09 from Twitterrific

HeartAGlow Aug 09, 8:31pm via Twitter for Android
.@TonyclementCPC. I appreciate yr jovial tweets at same time find them utterly offensive.RU aware of conditions most Cad's r in? #cdnpoli

TonyclementCPC 8:55pm (via DM to me)
Hey there. I'm not changing who I am just because ur offended. If u don't like my tweets, it's easy & painless to Unfollow. Thx

HeartAGlow Aug 09, 8:57pm via Twitter for Android
.@TonyclementCPC My gift2 you. "get a 2nd acct"Stop flauntin ur lake holidays/concerts/gadabout life on yr elected official acct. #cdnpoli

To: TonyclementCPC Aug 09, 9:13pm (via dm me to him)
I think u misunderstood:-) I was offering what I think mayb useful 2U.Not ask u2 change/just as easy4U 2 seperate personal twts frm official

TonyclementCPC 9:02pm (DM to me)
I think I will listen to my 18000 other Followers,but thx 4 the "advice". I have no idea what lake holidays ur referring to. I've had none
 HeartAGlow Aug 09, 10:03pm via HootSuite
.@TonyclementCPC sorry if mymemory fail in ref 2 lakeholidays.my advice was not in quotes/not sarcastic.sincere whensuggest you get2nd acct

TonyclementCPC 9:16pm (DM)
Thx again, but I cannot see how a person can be official one minute & personal the next, in different accounts. I'm serious AND whimsical...

HeartAGlow Aug 09, 10:11pm via HootSuite
.@TonyclementCPC It ain't that hard :)I LIKE 2 flwU 4 govt news.I dont care what u do away frm office anymore than u care what I do!#cdnpoli